Monday, January 01, 2007


Meanwhile, I have a puzzle given by a friend, which I enjoyed solving (ya i solved it, thats why its here :)).

This is find the odd ball out type.

Task- Find the odd ball out from 12 given balls using a two pan balance scale in 3 measurements.

Hint- It is not stated whether the ball is heavy or light. The 12 balls can't be differentiated in any possible way other than weighing. Also you could compare groups of balls and get as much subjective, comparative information as possible in the deduction process.

I would be interested in hearing from you on this.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Enigma said...

12/2 =6 first round see whcih one is heavier then do 6 /2 = 3
see which lot is heavy
now keep 1 each on the scale see if tehy weigh equal then third abll is odd man els ethe one heavier is heavier

assumption here is all ball excpet one weigh the same

At 6:58 PM, Blogger Traveler said...

Enigma, one thing to be noted as I have mentioned in the hints is that it is NOT known if the odd ball is heavier or lighter. So it can't be identified the way you have suggested.


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